People November 24, 2023 It is Never Too Late to Change Anna Treviño shares with her students and incarcerated individuals how she overcame addiction through the Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities at Texas Tech. TAGS Campus, Community
People November 22, 2023 Losing It All – But Refusing to Give Up Texas Tech alumna Amanda Key demonstrates why determination, perseverance and hope will always matter. TAGS Community, Students, Talkington Visual & Performing Arts
People November 22, 2023 Responding to Need – The Red Raider Way Texas Tech has a variety of services that can help students navigate sudden, unexpected crises in their lives. TAGS Campus, Community, Students
People November 22, 2023 From LBK To PGA Ludvig Åberg Patiently Put In the Time and Work It Took to Earn His PGA Tour Card While on the Texas Tech Men’s Golf Team TAGS Alumni, Campus