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News Release

Dr. Sutton's Biodefense Research Cited by the White House in a Press Release

Rarely if ever is one researcher recognized by name as the basis for a Presidential decision -- let alone singled out in an Executive Order. Yet today Horn Professor Vickie Sutton was so honored. Horn Professor of Law, Dr. Victoria Sutton, was cited by the White House in a Press Release on July 2, 2010, announcing an Executive Order addressing the need to balance national security and scientific research associated with regulated biological select agents. Her research highlighted biodefense researcher's anxiety over inadvertently violating regulations governing these select agents. The Executive Order calls for a new, risk-based classification of dangerous biological agents that more precisely defines the degree of appropriate research restriction and for better coordination among Federal Departments and agencies that oversee biodefense research.

Dr. Sutton's article: http://www.ttu.edu/biodefense/images/bsp.2009.0015.pdf

White House Press Release: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/07/02/presidential-order-balances-security-and-scientific-enterprise

Executive Order: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/2010bioagentsEO.pdf