Texas Tech University

Institutional Effectiveness Team

Team Membership

The IE Team at Texas Tech University consists of the following:

Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness

The central oversight administrator of the TTU IE Model reports directly to the Provost and, therefore, maintains not only the oversight of the other units within the area, but works collaboratively with central administration. The function role of the Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness is oversight of the various units, but also with accounting for relevant, if not specific, information about institutional activities not directly related to the institutional effectiveness model, such as institutional audits and Presidential announcements.

Accreditation and Compliance

The institution-level SACSCOC Reaffirmation of Accreditation is a continuing process that requires ongoing activity. While the ten-year Reaffirmation of Accreditation process and the Fifth Year Interim Report preparation are the most significant activities within the reaffirmation cycle, the success of these initiatives relies on a number of compliance activities, such as timely substantive change notifications, working appropriately with the Coordinating Board, annual operating policy and procedure audits, campus notifications of changes in SACSCOC expectations, maintenance of various accreditation bodies across campus, and annual review of assessment reports. The Office of Accreditation and Compliance is a shared responsibility led by the Office of the Provost.

Institutional Research (IRIM)

Information Technology and Institutional Research/Information Management administrators work closely with Institutional Effectiveness staff on gathering and reporting data. Additionally, they work with the other IE units in the development of data management opportunities that can equip the unit to fulfill its purpose, including database development support. Institutional Research is led by the Assistant Vice President for Information Technology.

Office of Planning and Assessment (OPA)

OPA contributes to the university mission by promoting and leading institutional effectiveness activities; facilitating the measurement and analysis of institutional assessment data, and supporting institutional compliance with the requirements of the State of Texas, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), and providing substantive feedback to the institution and its component units that ensure evidence of continuous improvement. OPA is Director led.  

Functional Operation of the IE Team

Despite the obvious connection among each IE component  and other existing offices, the division of responsibilities is collaborative rather than absolute. Each unit that makes up the IE area contributes to compliance, strategic planning, and data management. However, each unit does take unique leadership for a related aspect of the IE Model.

Institutional Effectiveness, the central component

The primary function of institutional effectiveness is that it ties together compliance, planning and assessment, and data management . Additionally, this ensures that TTU's IE efforts promote the mission, vision, and integrity of the institution.

Data Management

This component works collaboratively with the other two components to ensure that data is collected, stored, and accessed efficiently and used appropriately. It is largely driven by technology infrastructures already used throughout Texas Tech, but is equipped with the resources needed to inform decision-making. Because of nature of how the data is used, the nature of this component is integrity. Data management receives feedback from compliance on how advances can be made to data reported, but also works with the strategic planning process to assist with benchmarking and continuous improvement.

Headshot of Darryl James

Darryl James, Ph.D., P.E. 

Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness 

Email: darryl.james@ttu.edu

Phone: 806.834.3386

Office: ME 202

Progress Portal: Institutional Effectiveness